Winchester, Winchester
Item Specifics:
Winchester, Winchester
metal can from c1928 with 3 white W1 tennis ball(s)
of Australian Wool Felt construction.
This particular 'Type 1 - United States Flat ‘Tear Top’' item is extremely rare.
Photo(s) courtesy of Unknown

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One side of can has a tennis ball image with the Winchester text in red. The other side reads ‘Winchester has been associated with “The best in sporting goods” for generations. These tennis balls are designed and built with the same discriminating care shown in the manufacture of the rifle and its ammunition. They serve “LIKE A RIFLE SHOT”. Sold exclusively through the national chain of individually owned Winchester Stores”. Both sides of can feature the image of a hand gripping a rifle, and the slogan “LIKE A RIFLE SHOT”.
See this interesting short article: Winchester Tennis Can at hardware show.