Buckingham Sports, Ltd., Tournament
Item Specifics:
Buckingham Sports, Ltd., Tournament
cardboard tube from 1935 - 1939 with 3 white 1939 tennis ball(s).
This particular 'Type 8 - Cardboard Tube with Metal Cap' item is scarce.
mCat 341.105.8.3
Photo(s) courtesy of Brad McCall

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Cardboard tube with red paper label. Top of label has an image of the exact tennis balls (sans date) that are inside the can. “Buckingham Tournament” in script logo followed with “MADE IN ENGLAND”. Buckingham Tournament script also appears in the middle of the tube. Wide whte stripe towards bottom with “Lawn Tennis Balls” in script. Bottom of tube has a white label that covers the “Buckingham Sports, Ltd. NEW YORK” info. Label is imprinted with information for Sport Radio Center in Hartford Connecticut. Side of can is imprinted “Guaranteed British Made”. Balls have a date of 1939. I’ve also documented balls dated 1935 in this same style of container.