Ballco Products, Inc, ANSCOR
Item Specifics:
Ballco Products, Inc, ANSCOR
metal can from 1960s with 3 white Hard Court tennis ball(s)
of Long Lasting Woven Cloth construction.
This particular 'Type 3 - United Kingdom Flat Top' item is scarce.
Photo(s) courtesy of R. Jones

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Blue can with large red diamond shaped area in middle. White text on red reads “ANSCOR HARD COURT TENNIS BALLS”. “HARD COURT” is written vertically down both sides of can. There is a white band around the top that has blue text “PRESSURE PACKED FOR FACTORY FRESHNESS”. A white band around the bottom has text “BALLCO PRODUCTS INC” “SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA”. White text above bottom band states “MADE IN ENGLAND” and “DISTRIBUTED BY”. The back side has more information: “FINEST LONG LASTING WOVEN CLOTH DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR USE ON HARD COURTS. FULLY GUARANTEED.” “MADE STRICTLY TO CONFORM TO THE RULES OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION AS TO SIZE WEIGHT & BOUND”