Wm. Hailwood Sports Depot, Black Seam
Item Specifics:
Wm. Hailwood Sports Depot, Black Seam
box from 1925 with 6 white Stitchless Vulcanized Seams tennis ball(s).
This particular 'Type 22 - Boxes' item is rare.
mCat 300.125.22.6
Photo(s) courtesy of Pete Livesey

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Plain box with black text. Balls have black seams. “B S” in large bold text with “BLACK” under the “B” and “SEAM” under the “S”. Other info reads “TENNIS BALLS Stitchless Vulcanized Seams.” “For Grass or Hard Courts” “Regulation in Size and Weight, and Manufactured of Superior Materials throughout”. There is an image of a tennis ball in the lower left and right corners. These are from 1925.