A. G. Spalding & Bros., Unspecified
Item Specifics:
A. G. Spalding & Bros.,
box from c1929 with 3 white tennis ball(s)
of Special construction.
This particular 'Type 22 - Boxes' item is extremely rare.
Photo(s) courtesy of Randy Crow

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Light green and yellow box. Large black center area with photo of a tennis ball and the following text in white “THREE PACK SPALDING TENNIS BALLS”. Text on ball reads “A.G. Spalding & Bros. Approved by U.S. Lawn Tennis Assn.”. The printed design on the box resembles a world map with “MADE IN CANADA”, “MADE IN UNITED STATES”, “MADE IN ENGLAND”, “MADE IN FRANCE”, and “MADE IN AUSTRALIA” printed in red over each respected country. A.G. Spalding & Bros signature logo printed in white text on red at the bottom, along with © 1928. Other text on box states: “THESE ARE THE FAMOUS TWO-PIECE PLUGLESS TENNIS BALLS, LEGAL IN EVERY RESPECT, AND APPROVED BY THE UNITED STATES LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION AND INTERNATIONAL LAWN TENNIS FEDERATION FOR TOURNAMENT PLAY”.