Lacoste, LT 210
Item Specifics:
Lacoste, LT 210
plastic tube from 2004 with 4 yellow Clay Court tennis ball(s).
This particular 'Type 20 - Pull-tab Plastic Tube' item is uncommon.
mCat 306.400.20.4
Photo(s) courtesy of Brad McCall

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White plastic tube trimmed with red and green. Green band at top reads “CLAY COURT TERRE BATTUE”. The Lacoste crocodile logo in green and black above a wide red band with text “LT 210” in white. Reclosure lid has a round label that has the Lacoste logo and states “LACOSTE PARFUMS” “GIFT – NOT FOR SALE – ARTICLE CADEAU – NE PEUT ETRE VENDU”.