Hutchinson Gommitalia Spa, None
Item Specifics:
Hutchinson Gommitalia Spa,
metal can from c1975 with 3 white tennis ball(s)
of Wool and Cotton construction.
This particular 'Type 18 - Pull-tab Metal Can' item is scarce.
mCat 371.210.18.3
Photo(s) courtesy of Franco Alciati collection (Italy)

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Blue and white can with designs in light blue, green, and yellow (possibly the manufacturer’s logo). “tennis balls” in large blue text with “para all courts” underneath. Other text reads “CONFORME AI DATI RICHIESTI DALLY UNITED STATES LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION” “RIVESTIMENTO IN LANA E COTONE CON RNFORZO IN NYLON” the latter roughly translating to “Coating in wool and cotton with nylon backing”