A. G. Spalding & Bros., Davis Cup
Item Specifics:
A. G. Spalding & Bros., Davis Cup
box from 1960s with 12 white D.C.8 tennis ball(s)
of NY-Weave construction.
Endorsed by, or as a tribute to Pancho Gonzales.
This particular 'Type 22 - Boxes' item is scarce.
Photo(s) courtesy of Brad McCall

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Red and black box. Left side of top has a photo of Pancho Gonzales playing tennis. Right side is red with info on Davis Cup and Australian Grasscourt Championships. Box says balls are artic white finish, but there is a fluorescent green and black label stating new fluorescent finish cover that is “VISIBLY BETTER”. I’m not sure if this means the white finish is better, or if these are the new fluorescent yellow balls that some Pancho cans contained.